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Chinese translation for "the prices drop sharply"


Related Translations:
sharply:  adv.1.锐利的。2.高音地;锐声地。3.刀割似地。4.严厉地;严酷地。5.苛刻地;刻薄地。6.厉害地;剧烈地。7.敏捷地;机灵地。8.险峻地。
sharply defined:  边界清楚的
contrast sharply:  鲜明对比
sharply demarcated:  边界清楚的
sharply swept:  大后掠的
cut sharply:  小角度切入
sharply tapered:  大斜削的
sharply tuning:  锐调谐
sharply tuned:  锐调谐的
sharply serrate:  锐锯齿的
Example Sentences:
1.The prices drop sharply .
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